
Rodashruti | San Francisco, USA

I love when a deeply moving excerpt from a Dharma talk is randomly followed on shuffle by a piece of music. That rocks my world!

I love when a deeply moving excerpt from a Dharma talk is randomly followed on shuffle by a piece of music. That rocks my world!

Levels of Going for Refuge
0:00 0:00
0:00 0:00
  • 1 Reminiscing on Going for Refuge 24:15
  • 2 Reciting the Refuges versus Going for Refuge; a heartfelt response – hearing the Dharma 15:43
  • 3 The conversion of Ananda; King Ajatashatru and ‘seeing the Sangha’ 15:35
  • 4 Cultural Going for Refuge 10:01
  • 5 Provisional Going for Refuge; Effective Going for Refuge 03:26
  • 6 Two aspects of Effective Going for Refuge: general and specific; the esoteric refuges: Guru, Deva, Dakini 15:01
  • 7 Real Going for Refuge; Ultimate Going for Refuge 03:39
  • 8 Cosmic Going for Refuge 03:39

Talk Details

Previously unreleased, this important lecture introduces and explores further Sangharakshita's distinctive and visionary ideas on the subject of Going For Refuge, drawing out the real meaning of this central act of the Buddhist life.

Poor original recording.

Talk given in 1978.