
Rijupatha | Kennebunkport, USA

I was thrilled and honoured to be part of the FBA team. A joy to work for such a noble cause, spreading the Dharma across the internet...

I was thrilled and honoured to be part of the FBA team. A joy to work for such a noble cause, spreading the Dharma across the internet...

Last Glimpses of Sangharakshita
Triratna Buddhist Order
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  • 1 01 Introduction - ways of knowing Sangharakshita personally 05:00
  • 2 02 The last few years of Sangharakshita's life - suffering , creativity and communication 04:15
  • 3 03 Sangharakshita at Madhyamaloka; losing his eyesight 05:59
  • 4 04 Living alone; Sangharakshita's gratitude to his friends during periods of vulnerability 06:44
  • 5 05 Last writings and final days - the importance of work 05:55
  • 6 06 A last question about the Green Tara sadhana 04:48
  • 7 07 Talking online about Pratitya Samutpada (Conditioned co-production, dependent arising) 01:48
  • 8 08 Sangharakshita's own interest in controversy around his sexual activity and acceptance of the language of unskilfulness 04:21
  • 9 09 Last personal glimpses; a collective experience of relationship; gratitude 04:09

Talk Details

In the weeks following Urgyen Sangharakshita’s death in 2018, Mahamati, one of his secretaries and companions, spoke informally at a number of Order gatherings about the experience of working closely with him during the last fifteen or so years of his life.

To mark the first anniversary of Sangharakshita’s death, we present this talk from early December 2018 to a gathering of continental European Order members. Mahamati reflects on aspects of their time together, and on aspects of Sangharakshita’s personality and character which were not always visible publicly. We are afforded a series of glimpses into the concerns of his final years and those of his last days.

A moving, very personal account of connection, duty, love and faith from a disciple about his teacher, which also opens out into something bigger and potentially more collective, founded on gratitude and a sense of fundamental relationship to the Dharma itself.

Talk given in December 2018 at Vimaladhatu, Germany.

For more, see: https://thebuddhistcentre.com/sangharakshita