
Padmavajri | East Sussex

How wonderful to listen to a wealth of deeply inspiring Dharma talks by so many experienced practitioners of the Dharma. I feel blessed.

How wonderful to listen to a wealth of deeply inspiring Dharma talks by so many experienced practitioners of the Dharma. I feel blessed.

Spiritual Friendship and the Heart's Release
Taraloka Retreat Centre
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Talk Details

Keynote talk given at Taraloka for the 2018 Great Gathering (Order Members and GFR mitras). Maha-Maitri; a Greater Love Our teacher Sangharakshita has said: "It is in friendship (maitri) that we may find the emotional equivalent of the intellectual understanding of the doctrine of ‘no self’”. The gift of these teachings can help us move beyond self-clinging into a deeper and far more mysterious connection with one another; a Greater Love.