
Candradasa | Portsmouth, USA

It's exciting to watch as hundreds of thousands of lives are touched by the Dharma and, hopefully, made brighter by the experience of FBA!

It's exciting to watch as hundreds of thousands of lives are touched by the Dharma and, hopefully, made brighter by the experience of FBA!

Being a Conduit For the Mind of Bodhicitta
Triratna Buddhist Order
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Talk Details

Subhadramati gives a comprehensive but succinct overview of the Women's Area Order Weekend in December 2018 which was exploring the Eight Verses for Training the Mind and, in particular, forgiveness and the arising of the Bodhicitta. The ego sustains itself by blaming - forgiveness means letting go of our egoic reactions and becoming a conduit for the mind of Bodhicitta. Recorded at Adhisthana during the Women's Area Order Weekend, December 2018.