
Sthirabandhu | Birmingham, UK

FBA is my travel companion as I wind my way across the busy streets of London. An invaluable guide through life, a priceless jewel.

FBA is my travel companion as I wind my way across the busy streets of London. An invaluable guide through life, a priceless jewel.

Direct Experience
0:00 0:00
0:00 0:00
  • 1 Talk 32:47
  • 2 Meditation on the body 22:38
  • 3 Meditation on sounds 15:32
  • 4 Final meditation 14:06

Talk Details

Nagabodhi explores a common misconception about how we’re supposed to stop all thought in meditation. Thought more generally can be very useful and could even be said to be one of the things that makes us human, but it becomes a problem when it runs away with itself and we start living in a ‘secondary reality’ most of the time. He refers to some of the Buddha’s teachings relating to this, including ‘in the seen only the seen, in the heard only the heard, in the cognised only the cognised’ from the Bahiya Sutta. He then guides us in a series of short meditations where we come into contact with direct experience, including bodily sensations, energy and feelings, sounds, and thoughts.