
Kuladharini | Glasgow, UK

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I love FBA! Biggest online Buddhist library in the world! Fantastic resource! 24 hours a day! For any serious Dharma practitioner! Kiss!

Anatta Made Simple
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Talk Details

"This being, that becomes,
From the arising of this, that arises;
This not being, that does not become,
From the ceasing of this, that ceases."

Here is an excellent introduction to the most subtle and complex part of the Buddha's teaching on impermanence: that all things in conditioned existence are empty of any innate self-nature. Insubstantiality might never be really 'simple' to understand - but this is a good place to start and Locana an ever-intelligent guide along the way...

Locana (Elizabeth English) is the author of:
'Vajrayogini: Her Visualization, Rituals, and Forms'
'Journeys to the Deep: A Gentle Guide to Mindfulness Meditation' (Vol I, 2022 Mud Pie)
'Into the Flow: A Gentle Guide to Mindfulness Meditation' (Vol II, 2023 Mud Pie)
'Oceans Within: A Gentle Guide to Mindfulness Meditation' (Vol III, 2024 Mud Pie)
Books published by Locana