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Our team supports a wonderful group of fba volunteers!
Padmavajri, East Sussex
How wonderful to listen to a wealth of deeply inspiring Dharma talks by so many experienced practitioners of the Dharma. I feel blessed.
Vajradarshini, Valderrobres, Spain
When I lived in Spain and had no Buddhist Centres or libraries close at hand, FBA was like having an excellent Dharmic library right there!
Vidyamala, Ledbury, England
I love supporting FBA. I encourage you to support FBA as there is a massive amount of work behind the scenes and it all costs money. Every little bit helps.
Kamalashila, Suffolk, England
An incredibly useful resource with huge potential for bringing sangha together. I like its one-stop-shop aspect: whatever it is, it's on FBA!
Kuladharini, Glasgow, UK
I love FBA! Biggest online Buddhist library in the world! Fantastic resource! 24 hours a day! For any serious Dharma practitioner! Kiss!
Ratnaghosha, Adhisthana, England
As a former Chair of FBA, I am so inspired to be making available Dharma talks and study materials to anyone who has access to the internet.
Viveka, San Francisco, USA
In a famous Sutra, the walls and doors of a house disappear to accommodate hundreds of thousands of beings... FBA has that kind of magic.
Sravaniya, Boston, USA
When I was living far from a sangha, FBA was like a good Dharma friend. Our regular contributions let it continue its indispensable work.
Why I support FBA!