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Over 150 speakers now have talks on fba!
Viveka, San Francisco, USA
In a famous Sutra, the walls and doors of a house disappear to accommodate hundreds of thousands of beings... FBA has that kind of magic.
Nagabodhi, Stroud, UK
FBA has some of the best Triratna talks. A friend in Hamburg can listen to a talk given in India or England, within hours of its delivery!
Sravaniya, Boston, USA
When I was living far from a sangha, FBA was like a good Dharma friend. Our regular contributions let it continue its indispensable work.
Candradasa, Portsmouth, USA
I love the internet's possibilities. It's been amazing to see FBA grow from a small tape company into a major space for Buddhism online!
Padmavajri, East Sussex
How wonderful to listen to a wealth of deeply inspiring Dharma talks by so many experienced practitioners of the Dharma. I feel blessed.
Viriyalila, Boston, USA
Supporting donations help us keep FBA free for thousands of people all over the world. The gift of the Dharma is the greatest gift of all.
Ratnavyuha, Auckland, NZ
I make it a practice to act on generous impulses. Supporting FBA is a small gesture for me but maintains a significant resource for others.
Manidha, Seattle, USA
I once received an iPod with all Sangharakshita's downloads on it. I love listening to my 'BhantePod'! A most delightful gift of the Dharma!
Why I support FBA!