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  • 1 Second thoughts about giving a talk on friendship; 15 points - guidelines not prescriptions 4:00
  • 2 Taking intiative and taking an interest; don't expect friendship - The Unseen Flower by Sangharakshita; striking a balance 8:09
  • 3 If you like someone, make friends with them; if you don't like someone, make friends with them 5:59
  • 4 Spiritual friendship is not based on the romantic ideal; going beyond being important to a friend 6:14
  • 5 Working together; going on retreat and holiday together; living together 5:39
  • 6 Eyeballing is not the whole story - the limitations of one-on-one; helping your friend 7:56
  • 7 Be faithful; keeping your friend in mind - not taking for granted 3:09
  • 8 Befriend their family; try to understand your friend from the inside - their own point-of-view 7:23
  • 9 Be prompt to resolve conflicts; forgive your friends; base friendships on common ideals 5:07
  • 10 Conclusion - Al Ghazali on friendship; Rodin's The Cathedral - the hands of friendship 4:15

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